Giraffes can't dance Guy Parker-Rees Текст

За: Giles AndreaeВид матеріалу: Текст Текст Мова: українська Публікація: Orchard Books 2001Опис: 32с. ілISBN: 978-0545-39255-6Тематика(и): Літературно-художне виданняЖанр/форма: Дитяча література -- казкаЗведення: Number One bestseller Giraffes Can't Dance from author Giles Andreae has been delighting children for over 15 years. Gerald the tall giraffe would love to join in with the other animals at the Jungle Dance, but everyone knows that giraffes can't dance . . . or can they? A funny, touching and triumphant story about a giraffe who finds his own tune and confidence too, with joyful illustrations from Guy Parker Rees. ... wonderfully funny. - Independent A fantastically funny and wonderfully colourful romp of a picture book. All toddlers should grow up reading this or hearing their parents read it aloud to them. - Daily Telegraph A joyful read about an outsider who finds acceptance on his own terms.... there's also a simple moral about tolerance and daring to be different. - Junior
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Number One bestseller Giraffes Can't Dance from author Giles Andreae has been delighting children for over 15 years. Gerald the tall giraffe would love to join in with the other animals at the Jungle Dance, but everyone knows that giraffes can't dance . . . or can they? A funny, touching and triumphant story about a giraffe who finds his own tune and confidence too, with joyful illustrations from Guy Parker Rees. ... wonderfully funny. - Independent A fantastically funny and wonderfully colourful romp of a picture book. All toddlers should grow up reading this or hearing their parents read it aloud to them. - Daily Telegraph A joyful read about an outsider who finds acceptance on his own terms.... there's also a simple moral about tolerance and daring to be different. - Junior

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